Sunday, February 28, 2010


MARCH 2010

March 1--Happy Birthday, Alana Ranes!
March 3--Class Activities.  Beehives will sew Trek aprons.  Mia Maids & Teachers are combined.  Laurels are working on family history; meet at the Fishers'.  Beehive Class Presidency Mtg., 6 p.m. at the church.
March 4--Happy Birthday, Lauren Rice!
March 6--Stake Dance, Beaverton SC
March 7--Happy Birthday, Christina Zander!
March 8--YW Presidency Mtg., 10:30 a.m. at Ashley's
March 9--Laurels & Priests combined activity, with Rock Creek Ward, 7 p.m. at RC Bldg.
March 10--Class Activities, Beehives & Mia Maids.  
March 12--Laurel Class to "Guys & Dolls" at Westview HS.  Good luck, Maddie & Ashley!
March 13--YW Camp pre-cert, for 5-7 years, 9 a.m.-noon at SC. Also for all adult leaders attending Camp.
St. Patrick's Dance, 8 p.m., Hillsboro SC
March 14--Patriarch Weight visits for special Patriarchal Blessing lesson in YW
March 15--No School!  All camp forms due to Cherie Pun.
March 17--Tri-Ward St. Patrick's Party at Newsom Barn
March 20-28--SPRING BREAK!  No Mutual activities
March 21--Trek forms & parental consent forms due.
March 23--Happy Birthday, Megan Klein!
March 28--Fast Sunday (due to General Conference/Easter in April)
March 31--General YW Broadcast & dinner, 6:30 p.m. at Stake Center.  Moms are also invited.


April 1--Camp payment due
April 3 & 4--General Conference, Easter
April 28--Mia Maids to Beaverton Clothes Closet for service.
April 29--Stake Priests/Laurels Temple Baptisms
May 21--Youth Temple Trip

Skyline YW Sway

Not the greatest quality, as you were "swaying" and it was taken with my phone!  But here's a few of our YW singing "Happy Birthday" today.  This week we celebrate the birthdays of Maddie Murphy, Alana Ranes, and Lauren Rice.  And Christina Zander turns 17 next Sunday!  

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Join the Super Value League!

We look forward to seeing all YW and their parents at New Beginnings this Wednesday, February 24, at 7 p.m. in the Primary Room.  Wear your favorite value color (casual dress is fine) and get ready for some fun!  We'll meet our newest Beehives and the YW who will turn 12 this year.  Our stake YW president will speak.  And we'll learn about the YW values.  (Laurels, please arrive at 6:15 to help set up.)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thank You!

THANK YOU to all of you wonderful women that helped the YW with our sewing project!!  Wow, what a success!  We got so much accomplished in such a short time.  The one on one with the girls was so nice.  We are always trying to find ways for the girls to get to know more of the sisters in the ward and this was a great activity for that alone.  If you are able to help the Beehives finish sewing on March 3rd that would be wonderful.  
~YW Presidency

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Beginnings Breakfast

A fun time was had by all at the New Beginnings Breakfast!  Here's a sneak preview of a bit of what you may see at New Beginnings on Feb. 24!  

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A few additions...

I added a few details to the February calendar post. Just to make sure everyone is aware, the Stake Dance at the Beaverton Stake Center this Saturday (ages 14 and up) has a "RED" theme.
Also, there are some details on the class activities for Feb. 10 and 17.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pioneer Trek Clothing Info from Karen Monson

Dear YW and Parents,

As Young Women leaders, we want to help you and your Young Women with the things that are necessary to get the Young Women ready for Trek that is coming July 13-16. One of the most time consuming is that of procuring the "pioneer attire" that the youth are requested to wear.

The Stake has asked the girls to wear period style clothing. They would like the girls to make the sacrifice to make and/or purchase inexpensive but durable pioneer clothing.

One of the articles of clothing needed is an apron. We have designed an apron that the YW can make during our upcoming activities that will help the youth begin to focus on and put together the needed clothing. The cost to make this apron is $4. Attached is a picture of the apron As you can see, it is very basic in design and color so that it will work with whatever else your clothing consists of. You are welcome to embellish this basic design on your own or if you would rather make or come up with a different apron that is fine, on the nights we will work on these in YW's you can help others with their aprons. The Mia Maids will begin making their aprons on Feb. 10th, the Beehives will begin on Feb. 17 and the Laurels will begin shortly thereafter.

If you are interested in making this apron, please bring your $4 to Sister Monson either tomorrow, Wed, Feb. 3rd, or no later than Monday, Feb. 8th as I will be purchasing the supplies on the 9th!

Other recommendations for clothing from the stake are as follows:

Dressing as pioneers has a tremendous impact on the spirit of a handcart trek. All who participate are strongly encouraged to dress the part as our pioneer forbearers did, to help develop a love and appreciation for our pioneer heritage...

The cost of the clothing will be the responsibility of each young man and young woman and we encourage them to keep the total cost for all clothing (except hiking boots) to no more than $15. (This is a good opportunity to teach frugality and ingenuity, and how to shop within a budget.) Old clothing from home is fully acceptable if it meets standards. Resources for used clothing include Deseret Industries, Good will, Salvation Army, Ross, or clearance racks of stores...

Women's Clothing --
Dresses: Were floor length (but ours should be mid-calf in length to help young women not to trip). Dresses were plain, or could have some ruffles. Sleeves were long and full. Necklines were high with buttons up the front. Fabrics included cotton in solid colors or small prints (calico fabric). Bright colors were popular (especially bright yellow). Long-sleeved, high neck blouses and long skirts could also be used.

Aprons: Shorter than skirt. Gathered at waist and tied. Aprons were made of calico remnants. For trekking today, large, deep pockets are important to be able to carry different items along the trail.

Bonnets: Women wore bonnets whenever they were outside. They were made of cotton with deep stiffened brim and back ruffle to protect the nect. They could be white, plain color, or a print, but they never matched the fabric of the dress. Today, bonnets or straw hats for young women are critical to protect them from the sun.

Pantaloons: These were worn underneath the dress and were normally white. Pantaloons reached between knee and mid-calf. (Young women could use knee-length cotton shorts or scrubs, or pajama pants hemmed short.) Wearing pantaloons will help maintain modesty in trekking situations. No spandex, lycra or tight shorts, please, for hygienic and modesty purposes. Fabric should be cotton or equivalent.

Bandanas: These are a must for keeping the trail dust out of the noses and sweat out of eyes.

Shoes or boots: Footwear is NOT to be pioneer-style. Comfort is most important! No open-toed shoes will be permitted on the trail--NO SANDALS OR FLIP FLOPS! New shoes are not to be worn unless they have been broken in well (at least two months). Two pairs of shoes or boots are strongly encouraged, in case one pair get wet or causes blisters.

Socks & Underwear: Good quality socks are a must, and several clean pair of socks and underwear are required. We will not be washing clothing along the trail.

Pajamas & Coats: Nightwear need not be period style, but is required and must be modest. Although it will be warm during the day, nights are cool. Beanies may be worn at night and jackets or sweatshirts can be used in late evening and morning hours.

No denim jeans (any color), tight or short dresses, baseball caps, low cut or short-sleeved shirts, tank tops, T-shirts, new (unbroken) shoes, open-toes footwear, or shorts.

If you are interested in making any other part of your clothing we do have several patterns that you are welcome to borrow. I also have some fabric that you can use to make all or part of your outfit. Please contact me if you are interested. As a parent, I know that the clothing is always the difficult part of these great events. I encourage you to start now!!!! If you have any other questions or concerns or need help in any way please contact me or another of the presidency.

