Thursday, November 18, 2010

Local EFY Sessions Planned for Summer 2011

Following is information from the Stake YW President on a new EFY option that will come to Portland next summer:

There are three separate sessions that the youth can sign up for. If there is an overflow, a fourth session will be added. The session dates are July 11-15, July 18-22 and August 8-12. The youth can simply choose which session works best with their summer schedule.
This is the exact same program that they would have if they were to choose an out-of-town session. There are family groups, ccounselors, games, dances, classes, outdoor activities, musical numbers, talent show, devotionals etc. The only difference is that instead of going to a dorm to sleep at night, they go home. The sessions are all day. Meals will be catered.
The sessions will be held at the Hillsboro Stake Center or the 209th building (depending on which session they sign up for). These buildings were selected because of their size and because they have substantial outdoor areas that will be used. They were selected by the EFY director.
The cost of EFY at Home is $150 (compared to $450 for the out of town sessions). This is a substantial savings for a fabulous youth event.
Registration will be done online the same way that it is done for the other EFY sessions. Regsitration begins February 2, 2011. Registration will be open to the youth of our multi-stake group only for the first 2 weeks, then to anyone.
Lastly, we are looking for host families for the youth in the Rainier and Forest Grove Stakes who would like to attend. It is a considerable distance for those youth to travel each way. If you are interested please let Reenie Fisher know.

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